

Given the wealth of expertise and extensive experience of the co-founders and team members, Damanah provides a wide range of legal services, including but not limited to the following:
الكيانات التجارية
Commercial Entities
  • Corporate Institutionalization.
  • Governance Processes.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions of Companies.
  • Bankruptcy Preventive Settlement.
  • Financial Reorganization.
  • Corporate Liquidation.
  • Foreign Investment.
  • Developing Corporate Regulations and Family Charters.
  • Developing Regulations for Associations and Institutions.
المصرفية والمالية
Banking & Financial
  • Financial Market Disputes.

  • Banking Operations.

  • Insurance Disputes.

  • Financing Disputes.

  • Tax Disputes.

  • Zakat Disputes.

  • Customs Disputes.

التعاملات التجارية
Contracts & Business
  • E-Commerce.

  • Commercial Agencies.

  • Franchise.

  • Commercial Mortgage.

  • Contracting.

الملكية الفكرية والصناعية
Intellectual & Industrial
Property Rights
  • Trade Names.
  • Trademarks.
  • Patents.
  • Copyright.
التعاملات المدنية
Civil Law
  • Establishing and Restructuring Real Estate Funds.

  • Real Estate Contributions.

  • Dividing and Sorting Common Properties.

  • Dealing With Real Estate Deeds and Title Deeds of Ownership.

  • Real Estate Contracts and Transactions.

  • Real Estate Disputes.

قسمة التركات
Distribution of Estates
  • Inventory of Estates
  • Distribution of Estates
  • Liquidation of Estates.
  • Representation of Estates.
المنازعات العمالية
Labor Disputes
  • Developing regulations, procedures and policies for organizing internal work.

  • Settlement of Labor Disputes.

المنازعات الإدارية
Administrative Disputes
  • Administrative Contracts.

  • Cancellation of Administrative Decisions and Compensation.

  • Expropriation for Public Interest.

  • Disputes of Civil and Military Employment Rights.

القانون الجنائي
Criminal Law
  • Providing legal services related to crimes.

التحكيم وتسوية المنازعات
Arbitration & Dispute
  • Settling arbitration disputes as arbitrators.
  • Providing alternative means of settling disputes, such as mediation, conciliation, and reconciliation.
  • Drafting and reviewing arbitration agreements.
الاستشارات والدراسات
Consultations &
Research Studies
  • Developing and Reviewing Rules and Regulations.

  • Developing and Reviewing Policies and Forms.

  • Developing and Reviewing Procedural Evidence.

  • Developing Sharia and Legal Research Studies.

القطاع غير الربحي
Non-Profit Sector
  • Establishing non-profit companies.

  • Establishing cooperatives.

  • Establishing endowments and providing legal supervision.

  • Drafting endowments and wills and governance.

  • Overseeing endowment investments and expenses.

الترافع والتمثيل
Pleading & Representation
  • Representation and pleading before courts and quasi-judicial committees of all specializations.
  • Representation and pleading before international and local arbitral tribunals.
  • Representing employees subject to the civil service law before government entities.
  • Appearance before the Public Prosecution and the Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority.